Friday, November 19, 2010

My experience learning English at the University

Hi everybody! Today I will write about my experience learning English this year. I think that it was a good experience for me.
At school, English was one subject more, and I thought that in the University I wouldn´t have English or this would be different. In my school the English wasn´t very good, in the secondary education my English wasn´t very good, I think the teacher play a important role and my teachers, well I think that they wasn´t know how teach, because they said the matter and they don´t explain very good.

In the University I think that I learn a lot or more that in the school, because in the university is more application and you use the English for talk and not only for write. The first semester in English I thought that it was very boring and I was a little scared because I was in level three and I don´t know great English. When I had my first class and the teacher explained the methodology to work I thought that I would be lost, because we had to do blogs, oral presentation, listening and oral interaction, and obviously take a test. Whit the time I achieved write the blogs whit more facility and I learn a lot of word, I learn to read a more complex test and I was feel very well, well whit my effort , I achieved pass the course.

The second semester in the English course I was more prepared for to write a blogs and for the things that I would have to do, because I had already been through this, and people was already know, and I think that we had more confident. The teacher was different that the first semester and I think that is more fun that the old teacher.

In those two semesters I knew a new people because in this course was people to obstetrics, and whit the time, the classes to English they was more entertained.
I think that I will miss the course because in this I knew a good people and I passed a good time whit they.

Bye everyone!

Monday, November 15, 2010


Hello everybody, today I will write about the communication. Well I think the communication today is more easy that in other times. The methods of communication are very varied like msn, skype, fecebook, etc.

This methods have advantages like that they you can contact whit a lot of people that you know, like your friends or your family, they have too disadvantages like that the contact in some cases isn´t face to face and you don´t hear the voice to the person, and you don´t know if she or he lie to.

In my case use this methods principally facebook and msn, and I think that are very useful, especially for the university and to maintain contact whit friends who I don´t see much.

I have msn a long time, and I use this every day, time ago I use this for talk whit my friends that I saw all days in the school, its sound very stupid but for msn I talk about the things that in the day we didn´t talk. Today I use msn for talk with the people that I don´t see every day or very often, and we talk about the life and this kind of things, I use too for talk things about university and the different work or test there, obviously I talk to other things too.

About facebook, I have this for over to years, really I have two facebook but this was for a problem. Well I use facebook every day, and I think that is very useful because all the people see facebok all days or more frequently. All people think that I am fanatic of facebook because I see this all days or almost every day, and I join many groups, but really whit this I found to old classmate and people the other school that are my friends, and whit this I can communicate whit them .

I use too skype, and this method is very entertainment and useful, and this is more directly that the other methods. In this you can see the other person and you hear his/her voice and for this reason I think that is more efficient. I use this in many occasions especially for resolve seminars or resolve question that I have.
Well these methods I use to communicate.

Friday, November 5, 2010

My favorite soap opera

Today I can write about a free topic, and I decided write about my favorite soap opera.
Well my favorite soap opera is from Argentina, and I began to see this in the 2007 and I loved it.

This production was idea to Cris Morena, this is a great music composer and producer in Argentina, in this country she is loved for all the people. In their production we found soap operas like Rebelde Way, Rincón de luz, Floricienta, Chiquititas, among others.

My favorite soap opera is “CASI ANGELES” and really is very complicated explain the plot of this because this have four seasons and they are many different, I must say that is very complicated to understand if you see this for first time, in occasions I also get lost. I try to do a summary to soap opera. Well this is about five teens united by music, love and goals.

This begin in a orphanage where they were abused and forced to work, one day reaches a men called Nicolas, he is the brother-in-law of the owner, called Bartholomew, and he is committed whit Malvina, she is the sister of director of the orphanage. Other important person is Cielo Mágico, this is a circus artist and he fall in love to Nicolas and whit the time he falls in love to her. Together, Nico and Cielo, saved the children of the orphanage and transform this in a home where children can live peacefully and fully. The end of this season is very mysterious because Cielo disappear.

In the second season appear new characters, the guys discover that they are very specials and whit your friends they must found keys for to open a book. The end of this season finish whit this, the guys manage open the book.

In third season too there are many new characters that stand in the romance between the guys. Basically what happens is that the guys travel 20 years into the future (they fall in different parts of Argentina) to complete a mission, which is supposed to save the world, that they will do with the help of Peace (daughter of Cielo and Nico), Hope (daughter of Malvina and Nico), and Camilo Estrella, a Nico’s friend.
Nico y Cielo create a school, which can get all the guys they want, which is called Mandalay, this will both kids of the future and past.

In fourth season some of the guys appear within a city surrounded by a wall, these guys were reset and new memories are created, those who were out trying to save those and the same time fight against the Chief Minister who is who is in charge of the city called N.E. With time the guys begin to join in the fight against the Chief Ministers and remember are slowly their pasts.

I don't know which the end is because this not finished yet, but I hope it's amazing.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dealing whit stress at university

Hi everybody! Today I will write about the stress at university and how dealing whit this.

I believe that the people today make a lot of thing for dealing whit stress, especially because that the people go for the life very quickly and not time for anything, because are very occupied whit works and who known what more, not to mention the many pressures that we undergo every day. However, is the daily stress that keeps us active and stimulates us everyday. But if you have a lot stress in you life this can be harmful to your health.

I think the university keeps you under a degree of stress that in many occasions is very harmful for you health, because in the university you have a lot of subject and you have to do a lot of things for those, you have to study for “certamenes”, test and for this you have to study all the days and in many occasions sleep a few hours, in my case all days I sleep a few hours and during the day, I am very tired and the only thing I want is sleep.

The thing that I do for dealing whit stress is take time for relax and make the things that I like me, like go out whit my friends to anywhere the important is stay whit they and forget all the thing that I have to do, stay whit my family and make things whit they, go to “CFG- Fitness trends” and in this discharge much of the stress of the week, sleep I think that never in my life I liked both sleep like now, the other thing that I do is laugh a lot really a lot because I love laugh and I must to say that the laugh keeps me cheerful during the day and help me to take best things to come. Well this kind of thing, the objective is relax and shelve the university for a while.

I think that if you want to lead a life whit less stress you have to be an organized person and to lead a quiet life and not go crazy for the many things that you have to do because you didn’t before when you had time, and you must to do now when they are close. And I believe that in this point I’m failing.


Friday, October 22, 2010

“I’m a ‘left-brain’, she’s a ‘right-brain’ person”

Today I will write about a myth , this is “I’m a ‘left-brain’, she’s a ‘right-brain’ person”. This says that the left brain is the seat rational, thinking and speech also include the numerical information, whit this I mean that this site of the brain is in charge to the language and mathematics. People who Is more analytical or logical, will use preferably this hemisphere and probably they are engineers or mathematicians.
The right brain for the other side is different and this is in charge to related whit emotions, intuition, thinking and representation in the space. And the people who is emotional, imaginative will use this hemisphere. And probably they are a creative professional like an artist.

The science says that this myth is false, because you use the both hemispheres of the process information, because there are connected between each other for example through to the corpus callosum or neurons which are connected whit the other side of brain.
The studies realized by Scientifics showed that there are some tasks that are dominated by an hemisphere, but most require that the two hemispheres work at the same time. This function is like a integrate system which needs the other hemisphere to operate.

I believed in this myth before to read this text, I think that the left hemisphere was more analytic and mathematic and the right hemisphere was more emotional. Always I listened to the people said that the right side is more development in women that in men because men are more mathematic , and this kind of thing.
Today because I studied and I read about this topic I believe that is false and I’m sure that the people use the both hemispheres of the brain for the different tasks.

Bye and I hope that you have a nice weekend.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A healthy life style, is it possible ? How ?

Hi everyone, today I'll write about the healthy life style and how is possible.

Respect about if you can have a healthy life style I think that is possible, but today there are factors that do this a little difficult. In my opinion you can have a healthy life style if you stay good whit yourself because I think that if you feel good about yourself you will feel better whit the other people. But the kind of life that you have whit this I mean to say if you work, go to school, go to university among others, in some occasions the healthy life style is difficult but no impossible.

How is possible have a healthy life style? I think that the many forms.
Talk about physical aspects I think that you can do sports, like going to the gym, go out to run, dance or this type of things, and if you make this things whit your friends is more funny and to enjoy doing this, but the moderately, the idea is not that you to become obsessed whit this. Apart from you must eat healthy, I mean a balanced diet, and if you have this type of diet you can eat all food but moderately, because the excesses are very bad in all sense.

If I talk about the mental, this aspect is more complicated because are many factor that to influence. In this aspect I consider that the opinions the other people affect directly on our mind, and in the most cases our low self-esteem and we feel very bad. I think that the opinion the people is important but you have to have confidence in yourself and in your acts. And how to say when I started this, if you feel good you stay good.

Well this is my opinion about this topic.
Bye and take care!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Memories of my childhood

Hello! I write today sidewalk of one of the best memories of my childhood, I have not really very good memory, but here goes.
When I was younger in the passage where I live, there were about six children who got together to play, usually the secretary, did the carp species, we jumped rope, including children's games.
Among children who lived there was a girl who was very motivated and loved to plan things for the passage as retreats and those kinds of things, a good day it occurred to interpret “Jappenin con ja”, and well all said yes, so we did, each sought his wardrobe according to the character that had touched me play the Lady Pochi, so I sought a kind of two-piece suit I had and I really loved, do not know why but hey.
That day we were all changing and we armed our office so similar to what we allowed our home accessories and of course we could not miss the hearing so we invite all the neighbors of the passage to see us act, and our parents came video cameras and photos, clearly could not pass the time. I do not remember if we did well or not, but I remember we were quite applauded and we all had fun, because I believe that to be 8 years we did quite well.
Well that was one of the memories of my childhood that I really like it a lot with people I had fun today and I see no good because they moved and we broke up, but then we all work together and we had pretty well.
I hope you have nice week :D!!
bye !

Monday, August 23, 2010

Inception :D

Hi everybody!
In this opportunity I write about the movie that I saw whit my friends the last Friday, “El Origen” (Inception) it was directed by Christopher Nolan. This movie opened in Chile in the month of August.
In my opinion is a very interesting movie and highly recommend.
I like this movie because it has a very complicated plot and for this reason you should be seeing it very concentrated. This is a fiction movie and in my opinion the plot is very interesting because is about the dreams and the different reality that you invents in them, and how you can interfere in the dreams to the other people and discover many thing.
In this movie act Leonardo DiCaprio like leading actor his name is Dom Cobb and to plays a kind of thief of secrets, but this secrets are in the people's subconscious , and he steals the secrets during the dreams when the mind is more vulnerable, for this he creates a new reality in the people's dreams, but in this opportunity he must do something completely different than usual, he must to implant an idea in the subconscious of the heir of a great company, with the aim to come back to his normal life with his family.
Really I don’t know if I understand the movie totally, because the end in my case this left me a lot of doubts, I not pretend to tell the end, because I don’t want to ruin the movie, but I hope that if you think see the movie, the same thing does not happen to you.
Here I leave the trailer of the movie, hope that they like.

Bye !

Friday, July 9, 2010

Final Post

Hi everyone!! In this opportunity I’ll write about my experience whit the blog. This blog started like an activity for an English class and gives me the opportunity to know how my writing in English is.
Well this activity really was very complicated for me, because I don’t write in English very well, and it’s very difficult to me. But I must say that this opportunity helped me to learn more about how to write. I think that I enjoyed this experience the most of the time, because how I said before it’s very difficult for me to write in the other language that is different than mine. And this meant a lot of job in every class. And in those occasions, when I didn’t know how to write correctly, it was more complicated. In those moments I didn’t enjoy this. In the other side I enjoyed this for the simple reason that whit this blog I learned to write and speak better.
I think that this blog helped me to improve my English, because is a constant job and in my case I always try to do my best, and be worried about to post my classmate, because I knew that this blog will help me in my future life.
Advantages about this blog, well I think there are a lot, like improve your English, know new words, we rehearse the English that we handle well, in this moment I can’t think in anymore.
Disadvantage of blogging, well I don’t know if this is the right word, because I don’t think or in this moment I can’t think in any disadvantage. Well I believe that in many occasions the topics weren’t interesting for me, and in this time I didn’t want to write.

My experience whit this blog, I like it so much and I must say that I learned to express myself better.


Friday, July 2, 2010

My ideal job !!

Well today I have to write about my ideal job. My ideal job always was how a doctor, but the circumstance of de life I was not allowed. Well as Physical Therapist I have not thought about my ideal work because I don’t know that I want to do, because are so much areas where I can specialize and are very entertaining all of them.

Really I don’t know well where I want to work, but I think that I would like to work in a hospital or a private clinic, or in both if it is possible, because I think that in where I worked I will realize a good job, because I am interesting in help people.

I think that I would like to work with people who have similar objectives and who are committed to the recovery of the patient. If we talk about the patients I would like to work with young or kids, but I don’t know in which area still.

I think that my ideal job will make me happy because this is the job that I will choose and in this one I go to do what I like, how to help people, stay with them in their recover and stay with them all the time. I think my carrer contributes in this because I study Physical Therapist for one reason, help people to recover their functionality and they can make a normal life or more similar to this. I know that if I help people I will feel happy for this.

Respect the hours that I will have to work I don’t have any problem , but I wouldn’t like to work all the day because I would like to have time for my family and me.
Respect to my boss I would like it was very committed whit his job and that it has a good treatment towards the workers, that it respects and accompanies them in his labor.

Well this is my ideal job, and I expect to be able to obtain one like that, where the environment of work was pleasing and complaisant.

Friday, June 18, 2010

My favourite photo :D

Well today I will write about my favourite photo. This photo is very special to me because in this I am staying with my friends, a day when we decided to come to Mc Donalds after school.

Well this was last year of school,I don´t remember the date it was taken, but I think that this was taken beggining the year of school . We decided to remember this moment and took this photo. This photo was taken for a very nice employed, who offered to take it, althought she couldn´t because in this place you can´t take photos but I don´t know why.

Well, this photo shows my friends and me, after school in the Mc Donalds that is near of my old school, after we had food. That day we hada good time together, we laught, talked and ate a big hamburger. I remember that day one of my friends and me had to go to the preu, that is why I enjoyed this day so much, this sounds weird, but we went to the preu all the week, and we went out there very late.

Is very nice to remember this moment because I miss they so much, and this picture allows me to remember the good time we have had in this time.

I like this picture so much because is on of the few that we have together, basically because there is always someone missing when we dicede to take a photo, is very absurd because when we were all together almost never have the idea to take a photo.

Well, the picture is more important for the simple reason that I am with my friends of life in it,and I love them so much !!

Bss bye !!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Education !!

Hello everyone, today I have to write about the education. I believe that the education is something basic and that we all should receive, since it is fundamental for our development as persons and professionals. The education up to the average education is common to all the students and the difference is marked when one enters to the university, since different types of career exist where there are included specific areas of study that determine the type of education that will be received, however there exist basic aspects that they all should receive.

For my education I think that there is very important the presence of good teachers, that is to say teachers who possess domain of the topic and who have desire of teaching and of whom his students learn. This way also it is important for my education that there teach me the basic aspects of my profession, since to possess this knowledge it will allow me to develop me as a competent professional.

As for the prevention in the education from the point of view of my career I believe that one sees focused basically on them related to the education of suitable positions, physical ideal activity, development of forces, prevention of accidents, the education of "technologies" that allow to the persons to take a better quality of life, refer with this finalize for example to the education that the Physical Therapist give to the parents of children who present motive delay, which allows an improvement of his disease and in turn he avoids a worsening of his condition. I believe basically that the prevention in the education that a Physical Therapist gives is very important since it is allowed that the persons should take a life of better quality.

Basically regarding the education as such I believe that it is a very important factor since it allows a personal wide development and integrate, this way also the education that could be offered to the company as professional is fundamental since it allows extracting of the ignorance many persons.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Stereotypes in my faculty

Hi dear friends, in this opportunity I write about the stereotypes that I can find in the university. In my opinion the stereotypes in the faculty are not much, because the people who go to the university is very different, for this reason is difficult to classify them.

The stereotypes that you can found are basically for carrer. But if you found stereotypes how "pelolais", "flaites", etc. you see just a few, generally in the break. But as I said before the most stereotypes are for carrer.
The Ocupational Therapist are seen how very hippies and relaxed people and when you go to their school you always see the people sat in the grass talking.

The Obstetrics are seen how people that loves babys, sensitives and tender.

The Physical Terapyst are seen in the faculty how the sporty career, who go play different sports and they spend all day in the same.

The Medicals, really in my case I haven´t seen them much. I have seen they in the hall but never in other places, but I think that maybe I have seen them but I can't recognize them.

Really in the university you see everything, and the stereotypes such us ( people like metal, punks, pelolais, posh, etc. ) are not so defined.

In my case I consider that I don´t belong to any of them. Because my circule of friends are very different among them. For this reason I can´t classify myself in any of them.

Well this is my opinion about stereotypes.

bye !

Friday, May 28, 2010

My favourite subject

Well, in this oportunity I write about my favourite subject. Really it is very dificult talk about my favourite subject because the truth is that I haven´t. But if I have to choose one I choose Introduction for Physical Terapist.

Introduction for Physical Terapist, basically is about the carrer and the our future options how physical therapist. In this subject to teach us about the different areas where we can work in the future, first we had lectures with physical terapist experts in this different areas, and now we have to go to the different hospitals and clinicals whit the aim of know and learn is related about the job of physical therapist. The importance that this subject has in our carrer is that lets us known if we really want to be Physical Therapists and makes us feel closer to our study. This subject is really important to me because I still don´t know if I want
to be a Physical terapist for the rest of my life or I be a doctor, and this is the reason because I appreciate this subject,even though I really confuse about my future,and the clinical visit that we have to do for this have helped me to make a decision.

Finally I have to say that this subject has helped me a lot and have had great experiences on the visits have helped me to see the different areas and get discovered, if I'm still in the race, in which area I would like to specialize.

bye !

Friday, May 7, 2010

My favourite websites !

Hi dear friends !
Well, today I write about my favourite websites. I like this pages because they have a lot of information about my favourite soap opera from Argentina, Casi Angeles.

I like two websites really because through here I keep informed and I can see the soap opera episodes.

This soap opera started in 2007 and I saw this in the tv cable, but when the first season ended, the brokecast finished too, for this I had to lookfor a site where I see them because I like it so much !!! I say " had " because you see them in many countries but in Chile you don´t.
It is very complicated explain this because it has four seasons, and each of them has a lot of things and are very different among them, but I love them because it has a lot of love and is very funny, also it has songs that are very happy.

The first page is, here I see the information about the soap opera. This page have many sections you can to download the songs, see pictures about actors, also you can see the episodes online and it has soap opera news.
The second website is, is very similar in the content, but in this web I see the episode because is more easy and I prefer this. Also has information about Casi Angeles, and it is very similar to the other.

Well, those are my favourites pages !!
bye :D

Friday, April 30, 2010


Hi ! Today I´m going to write about my experience whit the earthquake from the 27 th february.

Well, that night I just went to bed because I was in the computer, and I slept very short time. When it started I thought that it was just a tremor, but not. In this moment when I realised it was stronger I got up and took my dog, and I went dawnstairs whit my family, then we stayed under the door frame hugging each other. In this moment I was so scared because the sound was very intese. I couldn´t belive was what going on and my sister was very shock for this, because it was a first time that happened, my parents were really impressed for the duration of the earthquake.

Then of earthquake I didn´t slept because I thought that could come again. Well, that down my family and I stayed in the livingroom for caution. We could comunicate with my grandparents and other relatives. My house didn´t have any damage, only broke some glass and the TV fell but it didn´t break.

After days my friends and I went to Conchali for help to the people that live in there, and I felt really good helping them.
And this is my story about earthquake.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Me and my profession

Hi ! I'm going to write today about me and my profession.
I think that the most important points from being a physical theraist are be commited and be willing to help.

My expectation for my studies are to learn about this profesion and be a competent professional to help people so they need my help.

I would like to help people recover from any accident or injury and be with theme during this process establishing relationships and I also like because it has many specific areas.

Well, the truth is that my first option was medicine, but I didn't get in. I got in physical therapy that was my second option. Well, I decided to be a physical therapist finally because they are very commited to people and their job. Also they are very close to patients.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Hi ! :D

Hi, my name is Constanza Flores. I enter this year at the University of Chile and I´m studing Phisical Therapy . I studied at Divina Pastora School and graduated whit honors.
In my free time I like stay whit my friends and my family, go to the cinema and stay in my home, but now i don't have much time for this, because I have a lot to study.
I expect from this blog learn how to writte better and writing skills.

Bye, see you later !