Monday, November 15, 2010


Hello everybody, today I will write about the communication. Well I think the communication today is more easy that in other times. The methods of communication are very varied like msn, skype, fecebook, etc.

This methods have advantages like that they you can contact whit a lot of people that you know, like your friends or your family, they have too disadvantages like that the contact in some cases isn´t face to face and you don´t hear the voice to the person, and you don´t know if she or he lie to.

In my case use this methods principally facebook and msn, and I think that are very useful, especially for the university and to maintain contact whit friends who I don´t see much.

I have msn a long time, and I use this every day, time ago I use this for talk whit my friends that I saw all days in the school, its sound very stupid but for msn I talk about the things that in the day we didn´t talk. Today I use msn for talk with the people that I don´t see every day or very often, and we talk about the life and this kind of things, I use too for talk things about university and the different work or test there, obviously I talk to other things too.

About facebook, I have this for over to years, really I have two facebook but this was for a problem. Well I use facebook every day, and I think that is very useful because all the people see facebok all days or more frequently. All people think that I am fanatic of facebook because I see this all days or almost every day, and I join many groups, but really whit this I found to old classmate and people the other school that are my friends, and whit this I can communicate whit them .

I use too skype, and this method is very entertainment and useful, and this is more directly that the other methods. In this you can see the other person and you hear his/her voice and for this reason I think that is more efficient. I use this in many occasions especially for resolve seminars or resolve question that I have.
Well these methods I use to communicate.

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