Friday, April 23, 2010

Me and my profession

Hi ! I'm going to write today about me and my profession.
I think that the most important points from being a physical theraist are be commited and be willing to help.

My expectation for my studies are to learn about this profesion and be a competent professional to help people so they need my help.

I would like to help people recover from any accident or injury and be with theme during this process establishing relationships and I also like because it has many specific areas.

Well, the truth is that my first option was medicine, but I didn't get in. I got in physical therapy that was my second option. Well, I decided to be a physical therapist finally because they are very commited to people and their job. Also they are very close to patients.


  1. hi coni!!nice blog!
    i agree with you in the point that the most important skill of a physical therapist is the wiling to help, cos without this you gonna hate your job.
    see you
    bye x)

  2. Hi coni!! I love your blog!! it`s so cute!
    I`m still trying to change mine...S:
    but I`m gonna keep trying until I succeed !! :)
    Hey!, last class one of your mates leave his jacket...I brought it with me, so you could ask on monday who lost it.
    Take care!!

  3. Hi coni
    nice blog ^^
    I hope that study physical therapy will be your best decision because it`s the best career xD.
    You will forget medicine as soon as possible ^^.
    B Y E !!

  4. Hi ! I'm going to write today about me and my profession.
    I think that the most important points from being a physical theraist are be commited and be willing to help.

    My expectation for my studies are to learn about this profesion and be a competent professional to help people so they need my help.

    I would like to help people recover from any accident or injury and be SP whit theme during this process establishing relationships and I also like because it has many specific areas.

    Well, the truth is that my first option was medicine, but I didn't get in. I got in physical therapy that was my second option. Well, I decided to be a physical therapist finally because they are very commited to people and their job. Also they are very close to patients.

    well good luck with it... it won´t be easy but if you like it you can do it...
