Friday, May 7, 2010

My favourite websites !

Hi dear friends !
Well, today I write about my favourite websites. I like this pages because they have a lot of information about my favourite soap opera from Argentina, Casi Angeles.

I like two websites really because through here I keep informed and I can see the soap opera episodes.

This soap opera started in 2007 and I saw this in the tv cable, but when the first season ended, the brokecast finished too, for this I had to lookfor a site where I see them because I like it so much !!! I say " had " because you see them in many countries but in Chile you don´t.
It is very complicated explain this because it has four seasons, and each of them has a lot of things and are very different among them, but I love them because it has a lot of love and is very funny, also it has songs that are very happy.

The first page is, here I see the information about the soap opera. This page have many sections you can to download the songs, see pictures about actors, also you can see the episodes online and it has soap opera news.
The second website is, is very similar in the content, but in this web I see the episode because is more easy and I prefer this. Also has information about Casi Angeles, and it is very similar to the other.

Well, those are my favourites pages !!
bye :D


  1. heeeello!
    how are you?
    well i can see that you really like this serie, ajajaja, i used to watch a lot of series, but in this moment the univercity are killing and using my time xD. take care about yourself!
    bye bye

  2. Hi Coni!!
    I hope you're ok!
    From your posts, I have to say, in general, that they are very interesting!
    From this individual post, I think there are better ways to say some things, like: "but when the end the first season ended". That's a little redundant. I think it sounds better if you say: "But when the first season ended...".
    Also, you write: "it's more easy" but actually it's: "it's easier".
    That's all...but in general, I love reading your posts, beacuse they are really interesting!
    Have a great day with your mom!!

    Bye bye!!
