Hi everybody!
In this opportunity I write about the movie that I saw whit my friends the last Friday, “El Origen” (Inception) it was directed by Christopher Nolan. This movie opened in Chile in the month of August.
In my opinion is a very interesting movie and highly recommend.
I like this movie because it has a very complicated plot and for this reason you should be seeing it very concentrated. This is a fiction movie and in my opinion the plot is very interesting because is about the dreams and the different reality that you invents in them, and how you can interfere in the dreams to the other people and discover many thing.
In this movie act Leonardo DiCaprio like leading actor his name is Dom Cobb and to plays a kind of thief of secrets, but this secrets are in the people's subconscious , and he steals the secrets during the dreams when the mind is more vulnerable, for this he creates a new reality in the people's dreams, but in this opportunity he must do something completely different than usual, he must to implant an idea in the subconscious of the heir of a great company, with the aim to come back to his normal life with his family.
Really I don’t know if I understand the movie totally, because the end in my case this left me a lot of doubts, I not pretend to tell the end, because I don’t want to ruin the movie, but I hope that if you think see the movie, the same thing does not happen to you.
Here I leave the trailer of the movie, hope that they like.
Bye !