Friday, June 18, 2010

My favourite photo :D

Well today I will write about my favourite photo. This photo is very special to me because in this I am staying with my friends, a day when we decided to come to Mc Donalds after school.

Well this was last year of school,I don´t remember the date it was taken, but I think that this was taken beggining the year of school . We decided to remember this moment and took this photo. This photo was taken for a very nice employed, who offered to take it, althought she couldn´t because in this place you can´t take photos but I don´t know why.

Well, this photo shows my friends and me, after school in the Mc Donalds that is near of my old school, after we had food. That day we hada good time together, we laught, talked and ate a big hamburger. I remember that day one of my friends and me had to go to the preu, that is why I enjoyed this day so much, this sounds weird, but we went to the preu all the week, and we went out there very late.

Is very nice to remember this moment because I miss they so much, and this picture allows me to remember the good time we have had in this time.

I like this picture so much because is on of the few that we have together, basically because there is always someone missing when we dicede to take a photo, is very absurd because when we were all together almost never have the idea to take a photo.

Well, the picture is more important for the simple reason that I am with my friends of life in it,and I love them so much !!

Bss bye !!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Education !!

Hello everyone, today I have to write about the education. I believe that the education is something basic and that we all should receive, since it is fundamental for our development as persons and professionals. The education up to the average education is common to all the students and the difference is marked when one enters to the university, since different types of career exist where there are included specific areas of study that determine the type of education that will be received, however there exist basic aspects that they all should receive.

For my education I think that there is very important the presence of good teachers, that is to say teachers who possess domain of the topic and who have desire of teaching and of whom his students learn. This way also it is important for my education that there teach me the basic aspects of my profession, since to possess this knowledge it will allow me to develop me as a competent professional.

As for the prevention in the education from the point of view of my career I believe that one sees focused basically on them related to the education of suitable positions, physical ideal activity, development of forces, prevention of accidents, the education of "technologies" that allow to the persons to take a better quality of life, refer with this finalize for example to the education that the Physical Therapist give to the parents of children who present motive delay, which allows an improvement of his disease and in turn he avoids a worsening of his condition. I believe basically that the prevention in the education that a Physical Therapist gives is very important since it is allowed that the persons should take a life of better quality.

Basically regarding the education as such I believe that it is a very important factor since it allows a personal wide development and integrate, this way also the education that could be offered to the company as professional is fundamental since it allows extracting of the ignorance many persons.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Stereotypes in my faculty

Hi dear friends, in this opportunity I write about the stereotypes that I can find in the university. In my opinion the stereotypes in the faculty are not much, because the people who go to the university is very different, for this reason is difficult to classify them.

The stereotypes that you can found are basically for carrer. But if you found stereotypes how "pelolais", "flaites", etc. you see just a few, generally in the break. But as I said before the most stereotypes are for carrer.
The Ocupational Therapist are seen how very hippies and relaxed people and when you go to their school you always see the people sat in the grass talking.

The Obstetrics are seen how people that loves babys, sensitives and tender.

The Physical Terapyst are seen in the faculty how the sporty career, who go play different sports and they spend all day in the same.

The Medicals, really in my case I haven´t seen them much. I have seen they in the hall but never in other places, but I think that maybe I have seen them but I can't recognize them.

Really in the university you see everything, and the stereotypes such us ( people like metal, punks, pelolais, posh, etc. ) are not so defined.

In my case I consider that I don´t belong to any of them. Because my circule of friends are very different among them. For this reason I can´t classify myself in any of them.

Well this is my opinion about stereotypes.

bye !